

In the tapestry of our family's history, there exists a remarkable thread, woven with grace, endurance, and an unyielding spirit. This thread bears the name Janet, a woman whose presence illuminates our lives with wisdom, love, and an occasional touch of ornery charm. 

Over seventy years ago, my parents Janet and Gene embarked on a journey together—a journey of love that has stood the test of time. Their enduring marriage is a testament to commitment, patience, and the deep bond they share. Together, they weathered life's storms and celebrated its joys, creating a legacy of love that continues to inspire us all.

Janet, an only child, grew to become the mother of seven children. Despite the challenges life has thrown her way, Janet's strength remains unshakable. Her battle with rheumatoid arthritis, a fight waged with remarkable grace, serves as a testament to her courage and determination.

In the face of pain and adversity, Janet displays a resilience that leaves us in awe. Her ability to face each day courageously, despite the physical challenges she endures, is a source of inspiration for us all. She reminds us that true strength lies not in the absence of struggles, but in the ability to persevere despite them.

Janet possesses a delightful streak of ornery charm, a trait she no doubt inherited from her mother, my “Grandma Chickie.” Her playful spirit and witty remarks light up our gatherings, injecting a sense of humor into even the most mundane moments. My siblings and I often engage in playful banter, each claiming the coveted title of "Mom's Favorite," a testament to the deep affection we hold for her.

Janet's legacy extends far beyond her role as a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Her life story, marked by love, enduring strength, and strong faith in God, is a legacy that we are proud to carry forward.  From an only child, to the family matriarch, Janet’s impact has shaped our family’s story and her resilience continues to inspire us every day.


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